
Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Ultimate Platform On Illusion!

“SEEING THINGS IS BETTER than not seeing & believing!”

“Wise people keep saying 'When You Identify Reality From Illusion You Are Beyond Everything'; what they seldom mention is HOW TO DO IT!!”

“'One time/Once in illusion, all time in illusion' has become the modern day mantra of Existence or we better term it 'EXTINCTION'!”

“People never expect a hand to pull them out of the bog they are neck deep in; hence, even if a Helping Hand appears to pull them out, they mistake it for an illusion & never take it!”

“In whatever form it comes, An Illusion Is Nothing But An Illusion, nothing more & nothing less!”

“Everyone has, at the least, a couple of great ideas about life; but, by the time they understand them as some of the millions of illusions, either they will be incapacitated by the over burden of the illusions they carried on themselves all their lives or they will be on a point of no return!”

When everything IS based on 'ASSUMPTION', let’s be clear that 'ASSUMPTION' IS NOTHING BUT ILLUSION IN A VERY FRIENDLY FORM! 

“Equality is a stupid illusion created by men which never existed nor will ever & its standards can/will never be defined!”

“Illusion IS something that can NEVER BE measured by the standards INVENTED by the illusionists!”

“Despite one's analyses, proofs, arguments, counter arguments, falsification, statistics, trumpeting etc TRUTH WILL ALWAYS REMAIN TRUTH & FALSE, FALSE!”

"If somethings is disturbing you UNDERSTAND it should be an illusion, as only illusions can disturb!"