
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Ultimate Platform Pictures & Quotes!



The need of ‘Pictorial Quotes’ for ‘The Ultimate Platform’ has always been there as people have been searching for Wonderful & Enlightening Pictorial Quotes that they use them in their lives for all the things better & send them via multiple platforms & communicate their understanding & ideas about ‘Self’, ‘Existence’, ‘Relationship’, ‘Love’ & a lot of other things which hold great positions in their lives!
Hence, I, from today, start posting the ‘Pictorial Quotes’ that people of all the cast, creed & country start learning, understanding & sharing ‘The Things’ they come to know from ‘The Ultimate Platform’ and have a wonderful, peaceful, fulfilling LIFE!

I will keep updating the Pictorial Quotes Collection regularly that people would have a continuously upgraded collection of ‘Great Pictorial Quotes’ which will be of great use for all those who are IN LOVE WITH LIFE!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Ultimate Platform On Life, Happiness etc!

“Let's Fall In Love With Life!”

“To ‘THE PERFECT QUESTION’ “AM I HAPPY (WITH MY EXISTENCE/WITH MYSELF/WITH MY LIFE etc!)?!” will come all the genuine & factual answers which will TELL ONE ‘THE TRUTH’!”

“If we fail to get happiness from what all things we do to get it, at the least, we should stop doing them in the name of getting happiness!”


“In whatever you get involved, make sure your life won’t go haywire, as IT IS A GREAT THING TO HAVE LIFE ON THIS EARTH........! Live It....To The FULL.....Happily......Forever....!”

“Just come out of the shell you have created for yourself & see how beautiful & wonderful LIFE REALLY IS!”

“Everyone has, at the least, a couple of great ideas about life; but, by the time they understand them as some of the millions of illusions, either they will be incapacitated by the over burden of the illusions they carried on themselves all their lives or they will be on a point of no return!”

“Generations have proven beyond any doubt that despite wearing all the pretensions, life has always been a struggle from which NO ONE EVER COMES OUT ALIVE! What these generations NEVER KNEW IS 'LIFE IS ENTICINGLY BEAUTIFUL 'ONLY' FROM ONE ANGLE, LEAVING WHICH THEY TRIED ALL THE OTHERS!'”

“In the (So Called 'Modern') times of faking, pretending, cheating etc, it is very difficult to have/find something called quality, love, trust, dedication, commitment, openness, longevity etc in human relationships!”

“The WEST-CRAZE has become so engrossing & consuming that even if ONE PERISHES IN LIFE, ONE WANTS TO PERISH IN THE WESTERN STYLE!”


“Families have been the back bone of all the civilisations and it is through them the civilisations & cultures grew all over the world.”

“The anarchical existence we have been for sometime now have been modified so diligently that, now for the coming generation (or should we call them degeneration?!), there is no way that they escape their destiny of being AN IRRESPONSIBLE, INSENSIBLE, OVER-REACTIVE, MECHANICAL & INSENSITIVE GENERATION WHICH IS THERE TO LIVE AN EXTRAORDINARILY IMPULSIVE LIFE!”

“Theirs (People of the oldest of the cultures & civilisations!) was a gradual, progressive & systematic method of development which made the human beings reach where they are today! They stayed together as they would never go apart in the entire life, as they stuck together for the first time ever to form the oldest of the human civilisations & cultures!”

“What we in India have been PRACTICING WITH PASSION FOR SOMETIME NOW has the power to even de-humanize the entire civilisation, where the first baby cry of the civilisation echoed!”

“Life....! The simplest thing in the universe........But made complicated by the ever complicating mechanism called MIND!”

"When people think life is complicated it automatically becomes complex for them...And when they think its simple its simple for them...And the thought for the day and the days to come is "you decide which sort of life you want..!"

“Simplicity - it’s a great thing to know that life is was and it will be...!”

"Whenever and Wherever There Is Real & Quality Human Thought,
There Lives The Real Human Being,
Who Lives The Life As It Should Be Lived!"

The rarest and one of the most beautiful things in life IS ‘Great Human Relationship’ which most of the people living fail miserably to have in one's life time!

“IT IS THE LIVING WHO NEEDS THE PROTECTION FOR THEIR LIVES & 'NOT' those who departed from this world eons ago, living their lives as they wished!”


“Those who don't know more than 100 SHOULD NOT elaborate on 1000s!”

"Let them come to me with an open mind with all their pretentions obliterated & stay with me life long; then, I will teach them the SECRET OF LIFE!"

"If you sing, sing the songs of Togetherness!
If you dance, dance the steps of Universal Rhythm!

If you pray, say the prayers of Liveliness & Silence!

If you drink, drink the Water of Youthfulness & Happiness!

If you love, love the Love of the Universe!

If you throw away, throw away the pretentions of Existence!

If you learn, learn the Universal Art of Patience!

If you sleep, sleep the sleep of Peace & Tranquility!

If you give, give the Goodness Of Humanity!

If you steal, steal The Eternal Life!

If you copy, copy the Eternity!

If you breathe, breathe the liveliness of Immortality!
If you speak, speak the language of Universal Wisdom!

If you remember, remember all these lines - Memories Of Life!"

“Life Is A Celebration From Which No One Is/Should Be Excluded!”

“Some questions are ‘NEVER’ asked because their answers are 'SUPPOSED TO BE KNOWN' for ages, despite no one ever knowing them!”

“TRUTH ‘NEVER’ ALWAYS COMES in beautiful rhyme schemes, syllable structures & alluring sentence patterns!”

“In Life, the false Gods are ALWAYS revered & Omni present where as the real ones always remain hidden & unseen!”

“May one never listen to/hear the sweet & convincing talk of the Idle Man as he only knows how to create illusions with words!”

“Why pretend infront of others as you can NEVER fool the person who knows all the ins & outs of your pretentions - YOU!”

“In the world of the reckless jugglers who juggle with their own lives what will be the value of others' lives?!” 

"Words are neither good nor bad; but, the persons who use them are!"

“Its better we understand people by their deeds & NEVER their words!"

"All the others' life goes for a toss doesn't give consolation for the life you lose living!"

"Those who 'Do The Work Of Life' NEVER have doubts, confusion, fear, problems & failure in doing them!"

"If you don't do justice to yourself NO ONE else will do it to you!"

"The bragging of the loser about how & how many times he/she lost in LIFE & how WHOLESOMELY HIS/HER LIFE FLOPPED has become the modern day life experience!"

"Even in utter ignorance the particles of wisdom exist & vice versa!"

"Even in 'the so called great success stories' of the businessmen, political stalwarts, the glitterati, the famous, the rich, the successful, the so called educated, cultured, I SEE & HEAR THE HELPLESS SADNESS & THE SILENT SOBBING OF THOSE WHO LOST LIFE IRRETRIVABLY!"

"If you have Time, manage it....
If you don't have Time, still manage it!
The ONLY thing we have to/can do with Time IS MANAGEMENT!"

"Those who do the work of NO RESULTS never do anything at all!"

"If you talk about anything TALK ABOUT THE RESULTS....the rest is insignificant!"

"The people who blame others SHOULD REMEMBER they also are blamed by others!
And, everyone IS playing the BLAME GAME, world over!"

The display of knowledge which IS NO KNOWLEDGE at all IS the so called modern day pastime & fashion!

“The great planners whose plans are made out of nowhere always end up nowhere; & most of the human race is great planners!”

“Those who apologise 'quite often' SELDOM change!”

“The Real Teacher IS The Teacher Of Realisation!”

“It is ONLY those who ask questions will get the answers!”

“Those who destroyed themselves or had ‘ONLY’ the plans of destruction for themselves should not cry about the FATE they have!”

“Those who don't know how to plan SHOULD NOT plan their lives & others'!”

“It IS always better that the perennial losers STOP training the posterity!”

“It is always in the trillions the unfulfilled promises are counted!”

“Doing +ve Things With +ve Results IS What Responsibility IS All About!”

“Responsibility to inform the ill informed IS the most important responsibility of Life!”

“The Perennially Doubtful Seldom Do Anything!”

“Learning from the learned & non learning from the unlearned IS what Real Learning IS all about!”

“Those Who 'KNOW' Never Mind Teaching; the problem IS even those who 'DON'T' do the same!”