God was or is ‘always’ equal to the level of thought or brain power or logic of the person who thinks of God! That’s why men always have a ‘logical and straightforward god’ and females an ‘emotional and inconsistent god’ who will always support (that’s how people think god will respond to their (good) actions in real life, and people ‘Only’ do good actions in their lives, as to them only those actions are good and because of that ‘God’s Actions’ or the actions which will get the approval of the God automatically as they are good and God stands for whatever that is good) the actions they take/do in their lives-males doing/ going for logical, consistent, straight forward and fact based actions & females less logical, less factual, inconsistent, emotion based- therefore groundless- and round about way of actions!
God always reflects the mind of the thinker of God or else ‘God is just a reflection of a human mind’. Or we can rather say that god was or is always equal to the society or world, which is populated by males and females, existed/ existing at any given point of time! And then the most surprising or shocking matter is that as per the things stated God is Man or Man is God!!!
Hence, god Mona Sing thought what god Akshay did was not right and goddess Rekha thought it was great stupidity god Amartya Mishra was doing and so on.....! And the god running the tea shop, Vadivel Muthu gave very less quality and quantity to the 10 rupee he charged for the cup of coffee from the customer god Balu and the bus conductor god Raju Sudhanpet pretended to be oblivious of the change he had to give back to the commuter god Jalappa Reddy and the teacher god Amareesh.K. never taught his student gods Prakruti Misra, Saakeeth Krishnamurthy, Sangeeth Malhotra and others as he was sure to be get paid by the educational institution he (the teacher god) is working for, for ‘not taking classes!’ Oh My God or Oh My Man?!
Please Note: This Article Was Written 3 Years Ago!
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